At this time, Musiquest does not accept credit cards.
Recordings by Alice Gomez, Marilyn Rife, San Quilmas Consort,
and Marimba Quest may be ordered by mail, with payment by
check, money order, or international money order.
To place an order, print out the mail order form, complete it, include a check, money order, or international money order
for the total (Prices are shown below) payment to:
P.O. Box 8186
Portland, OR 97207-8186
Prices - in US Dollars
- CDs:
- $17 USD, US shipping included
$20 USD, international shipping included
- cassettes:
- $12 USD, US shipping included
$15 USD, international shipping included
Texas residents add 7.875% local sales tax.
For volume orders, contact Musiquest for rates and details
Print the Mail Order Form

E-mail Questions to Musiquest at