Living In These Troubled Times: Maura O'Connell
('Maura O'Connell' - TFC BLB 5007)
After The Ball: Frances Black
(Arcady: 'After The Ball' - DARA 037)
Album Notes: 'The Potato Gatherers' George Russell Collection - The Armagh County Museum, Reproduced by kind permission of the Trustees of The Ulster Museum
Design: Shay Kennedy
Special thanks to the following who helped with the compiling of this album [my abbreviation of album/track references as above]:
57th Street [Tracks 6 and 11]
- Round Tower Music [Tracks 2 and 7]
- Solid Records [Tracks 4 & 10]
- Eleanor McEvoy [Tracks 1 & 8]
- Arcady [Track 12]
- Mary Black [Tracks 3 and 9]
- CBM Records [Track 5]
and to Michael Croke for the concept.