- Welcome to My Musical Fantasy -[So, what's this fantasy deal, anyhow?], [What does Cyberspace have to do with Baez?], [The Album], [Thanks], [Joan's Band], [Guest musicians], [The Shows] (So, what's this fantasy deal, anyhow?)Probably the most significant musical influence in my life has been Joan Baez. While her albums may not be the first that I purchased, when I think of the end of high school, my memories of records run to one Neil Diamond ("Velvet Gloves and Spit"), The First Edition, Jefferson Airplane's "White Rabbit", and Joan Baez. Whether it was the voice, the political statements in song, the example by living, or the lyrics she chose to interpret, her music stuck with me. I could be found at nearly every Baez concert in Chicago, Illinois since 1971, and even some a bit farther afield. As the years passed, a Baez album was still frequently found on my turntable ... and eventually CD player. Of course, I also found other musicians who struck a deep chord with me. Some for the voice and lyrics selected for interpretation (including Mary Black), and some for the voice, delivery, wit, and self-penned lyrics (Mary Chapin Carpenter). Imagine my surprise ...In February of 1995 a friend in Oakland e-mailed me a news clipping about several concerts Joan Baez was to hold in New York City, to record a new, live, record album. The initial list of guests included: Mary Chapin Carpenter, Mary Black, Tish Hinojosa, Mimi Farina, Janis Ian, and The Indigo Girls. All of whom were found frequently in my record collection, and ticket stubs for concerts by most were found in my concert collection. And the shows were to include the 3 most influential musicians in my life! No, it wasn't a dream. The Internet Comes Through!Through the wonders of this electronic freeway, April of 1995 found me in New York City, with tickets to all 4 of the shows (via a compu-friend on CompuServe), staying in a room 4 blocks away from The Bottom Line club in Greenwich Village (courtesy of a recommendation from another friend from CompuServe). This began a wonderful musical experience. The AlbumThe album resulting from this series of shows, Ring Them Bells, was released in Europe (UK / France / Germany) and the US (US - Guardian CD & cassette / 7243 8 34989 2/4) by the end of 1995.
Album details are found on the Grapevine label site. Status Disclaimer!Please note that, as of September 1997, this site is to be considered a "work in progress"! As 2 years and 5 months have passed since the wonderful series of events it seems the only way to share this is to put the working draft out here! Many shortcomings in the number of photographs (most notably those of Joan!), and the size and quality of scans. But, please please enjoy this "work in progress", have patience, and keep checking back while I finish things up! Each of the nights was special. Pick a ticket. Come and join in! [So, what's this fantasy deal, anyhow?], [What does Cyberspace have to do with Baez?], [The Album], [Thanks], [Joan's Band], [Guest musicians], [The Shows] Be sure to check out the Official Joan Baez Web Site!!!. | [Carolyn's House of Music] | [Comments to Carolyn Andre] | Original photographs and images and digital scans of these photographs and images are Copyright © 1995 Carolyn Andre, and may not be reproduced in any form without permission. |