As you can probably tell by wandering through my House of Music, I find solace and hope, catalysts and coaches, refuges and celebrations in music. And my tastes - the music that touches me - vary widely, to some extent inexplicable even to myself. As first put together, this document discussed the three musicians currently at the core of my listening (and accumulating of recordings and travelling for music). In 1997, I realized that there were actually four. Four musicians whose voices, interpretations, expressions of images and ideas, were frequently on my mind and in my ears. So, the revised list. Who Are They?Joan Baez
And the artist who was the centerpiece to an amazing musical fantasy that I was privileged to experience during April of 1995 - the recording of a live album at New York City's The Bottom Line club, which brought together two of my other musical influences, as well as many of my long-time (or short-time, for that matter) listening experiences. This wonderful album, RING THEM BELLS, was released in the US (Guardian CD & cassette / 7243 8 34989 2/4), UK (Grapevine label), and Europe (France & Germany) in October of 1995. The album features guests Kate & Anna McGarrigle, Mimi Farina, Janis Ian, Mary Black (with Pat Crowley), Dar Williams, Tish Hinojosa, the Indigo Girls, and Mary-Chapin Carpenter. My Musical Fantasy attempts to document and celebrate that event. The Official Joan Baez Web Site opened on April 15, 1996. It keeps readers and surfers up to date with tour anecdotes by road manager Crook Stewart, photos, a semi-regular column on collectibles by Jim Stewart (not related), updates on band members and their other projects, and a periodic excerpt from Joan's writing. Nice to put in your bookmarks! (go there now!) The FolkLib Site - maintained by Doug Henkle. It includes bibliography, discography, links to ASCAP and other info on Ms. Baez. In 2007, Proper Records reissued Ring Them Bells in a 2-disc anniversary edition with additional tracks. To be added to the e-mailing list of Joan Baez tour dates and upcoming events, contact, and include your name and city/state/country. Mary Black
I've used photos from some performances by Mary Black as headings to the various pages. All represent wonderful concert experiences! Mary's Official Web Pages include a wonderful variety of information, photos, sound samples, as well as discussion forums. Mary Chapin Carpenter
Susan Werner
An engaging live performer, with a voice that, luckily for we listeners, was sidetracked from an initial path toward operatic training! Particularly well suited to the jazz / cabaret / intimate club style. Yes, I have ventured through below-zero (F) weather - on public transportation - to hear this woman sing! Lyrics which explore the darker side of relationships and the self, some serious yet critical and disappointed, others with wry humor ("Between Trains". between relationships ... between trains... always waiting in the same train station ... but, "why do the fates above always route love through Miami") Amused - and agreeing! - to see "my generation" depicted as less than living up to our 60's ideals in "The Baby Boomer Song", wishing that everyone could get "Uncle John", and drawn to yet deeply bothered at seeing the situation of "Through the Glass" from the other side and other role. (Boomer and Uncle John found on Midwestern Saturday Night, Glass found on Last of the Good Straight Girls Susan's website - - has information on all of her recordings, as well as a discussion forum and how to sign up for her information newsletter. One or two of Susan's turns of the musical phrase which particularly caught my ear ...
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